Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Paper Boutique Scrapbooking Studio: Home

Home is the theme this month at OUAS I have been debating about the subject for a while, thinking about that beautiful word home.? Actually the minute I saw the sketch I went to work and did it.? In my creating process I usually begin with a photo but I didn't have one of my physical house but I did have a photo of Mercedes in front of me.? And then it hit me, home is something else, it is what we create around us, it is our significant others, home can be anywhere in the world as long as I have my family.? You see in my younger life I moved far away to go to college and that town became my home, then I married and moved far away again and?this new town?also became my hometown.

?? ? In our married life we have moved 3 times, so the permanence of a physical place can not be home.? This last place had 4 bedrooms for the 3 of us.? I don't know if it was the 4 bedrooms or my approaching the big 4 oh, but we planned on having another baby.? It was a very thought through decision, there is an 8 year gap in between them because of the complications in my first pregnancy.?? I am telling you then and there this little one completed the circle of what I call home.? She completes our family and makes it a home and that is why I have used her picture for my LO.?

?journaling:? With you life is more beautiful and home is complete.
?I incorporated some home touches using the gorgeous windows from Imaginarium Design, although I disected them into 5 pieces, LOL I wanted to fit the whole picture in it and make a balcony for her.

?I lifted my leaves and my butterflies to make them pop from the page

With you!

Now this one is a fun one, we had fun one Sunday afternoon after going to a Bella Boulevard workshop here in San Juan, PR

?This one was done using the CSI colors, I had been waiting for the right picture to scrap a packaging from ID, yummy!
?sugared chipboard
?clusters and pearls
?Miss M was modeling accesories for a store, that's why she is all dolled up!
And lastly, because I didn't blogged last week is my entry for this week's palette at the Color Room
?yummy Prima blooms, Heidi Swapp paper and Imaginarium chipboards, guess I am hooked on those...

Here she is at our last escape to Culebra Island, ahhh paradise I tell you!

And Solecito has all the feathers out in all its glorious yellow, so I will be using the color more and more, he looks like a sunset.

Hope your Easter was blessed and beautiful,



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